Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Scientific break through with the MGD
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As previously stated, NASA and Somy made an agreement that Somy would allow NASA to use their new product, the Massive Gaming Device (MGD) for research as it could allow consumers to get to the moon within just around 2 hours. However, NASA was just about to break their deal with Somy as the Nimtendo 4PS (4 Penta Screen) as could reach Jupiter (at apogee point) in around the same time the MGD can get to the moon.

As there was alot of money to be made to be lost if NASA broke their contract with Somy. The company president put more fundings into improving the hardware of the MGD so that NASA would ignore any further attempts from Nimtendo to provide NASA with their products. The MGD can now reach Andromeda Galaxy (which is only merely 2.5 million lightyears away) in just 0.1 pico seconds.

Physic scientists are mind blown that the MGD can exceed the speed of light. "The technology can't possibly exist in our universe, but it really does!" said one scientist who can comfirm that the hardware truly exists on a product made on a consuemer level.

Like all big companies, they all have rivals which try to squash them. Nimtendo president Iatoru Swata said that they also have a suprise prepared for the 4PS in space travel technology while still being a consuemer product.

All humans on Earth have one way or another asked some big questions which the answers to only lie in space. It's no surprise that so much funding is spent of space research every year.
chocolatee, faster than light.
Yeah, it's not capable of it at all, in fact it's still using a two dimensional display screen. On the other hand, I'm finding it a little hilarious that both companies are trying to appeal to NASA instead of trying to sell their products to their customers, but I guess they sell it to whoever has the most money which seems typical.
Of course, but then again, if you think about it, they're selling to a government agency.  And the government represents the people, so they're still selling it to the people, but in a more indirect way.

And I thought this 4D business was just another movie studio gimmick after they got bored with 3D.
On the bright side of things, wee'll be able to see real photos of our milkyway instead of artist impressions and photos of other galaxies the supposedly look like ours.
Yeah, silly movie studios.  They now think they can woo us in with "real" pictures other than "artist's renderings".
Pfft, so that's what all the 4D hype was about.
Can't the studios come up with something better?
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