Oooooh man. This is great work. I am seriously considering updating from TN HEN.
Question: Does this HEN have PSN access like TN HEN does?
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]I know there isn't a log with it, but it's not fake. Coldbird is the only one who post new topics right? If you follow that link in that topic (you'll need to copy and paste) you'll get the page I linked.
once I've tought that it was fake too since still showed me B2 Updater
then i opened and yeah, the annoucement of it's being released is there so i believe this one IS REAL
(but still,, the DL link only showed B2 until i reloaded the page for couple times)
by the way are VF's blog and a9vg down? i can't open it (loading for so long but nothing appear)
usually i get PRO's changelog there
[!] Fix cache bug does not generate ISO
[!] Some bug fixes recovery menu
[!] To improve the list of compatible plug-ins to support non-standard written
[+] Improved recovery menu display, plug-ins support 100 + more
[+] Add Toggle USB recovery menu
[+] Add recovery menu deception region Debug Type I / II
According to virtuousflame
So can anyone confirm if this allows PSN access
does this CFW support DLC from PSN (via MediaGo 1.6)?
i want to try the new GEB & Duodecim DLC
Nice work again from CB and VF
Here are the direct links
Thank you so much brother