Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Your favorite scene in an anime
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Pages: 1 2
Try to redraw it in MSpaint.

Here's my attempt
[Image: mspaint.png]
The problem is knowing my favourite scene, rather than drawing it.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]The problem is knowing my favourite scene, rather than drawing it.

^ that. srsly would need to think about that for a while.
I was quick with mines, because that scene seemed to make a real impact on me the first time I watched it, though thinking about it, there's a few other scenes like that in the same anime. But eh, what do you except from an anime about atmosphere?

I can't use Paint >_>
What anime is that? I don't recognize it.
LOL this is gonna be great.

JUST YOU WAIT. I am no visual artist.



[Image: X6qwj.png]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]What anime is that? I don't recognize it.

bread Wrote: [ -> ]LOL this is gonna be great.

JUST YOU WAIT. I am no visual artist.



[Image: X6qwj.png]

dear lord i don't know

but my favourite recent scene was in KnT S2 Ep 09
Pages: 1 2
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