Quote:Greetings fellow readers. It’s that time again and another public release is incoming.
As always, wee thank users for reporting problems to us via the blog comments, your patronage has been a great help on improving this software.
The new firmware features several bugfixes, Debug Type Regions and quite a few other things.
Till tomorrow then everyone.
Can't wait.I'm kinda getting tired of switching cfw but TN and Pro just keep bringing out great features.
Thought they were working on Pro C? Anyway bugfixes are good, and I guess it'll answer the questions of "What about 6.35Pro B3 and 4?"
so..today is "tomorrow"
Where is it..?
What time zone is it on the blog of Coldbird?
Is 6.35 Pro-B better then 6.20TN-D?
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]Is 6.35 Pro-B better then 6.20TN-D?
Fail question..
Test it and you'll see what's better, nobody can tell you that.
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]Is 6.35 Pro-B better then 6.20TN-D?
i had prefer 620TN with aloader some stuff been ripped from tn to use in 635pro or something,. TN wasn't/isn't happy with this,. i am not sure whot happened,. none the less pro seems to be working very good too.
The PS1 playback in 620TN is def better also adds keys to PSNstore downloaded games so you can use them on any of your PSP's
I had also prefer the vshmenu in TN-D
haven't tried 635pro,.. currently using 620TN-D on my PSP-Go and 637ME on my PSP-2000 other PSP-2000 550gen and 1fat with 340OE and 1fat also with 550gen ;p
The PRO LCFW also adds keys to PSNstore downloaded games so you can use them on any of your PSP's.
I'm switching by myself to TN-D and PRO-B2.
I prefer TN-D now because it's permanent, aLoader works just great BUT the psx support on tn-d isn't very good. (some psx games worked on pro-b2 and now they aren't working on tn-d).
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]The PRO LCFW also adds keys to PSNstore downloaded games so you can use them on any of your PSP's.
I'm switching by myself to TN-D and PRO-B2.
I prefer TN-D now because it's permanent, aLoader works just great BUT the psx support on tn-d isn't very good. (some psx games worked on pro-b2 and now they aren't working on tn-d).
All my PSX games work fine on TN-D i don't think 635pro is any better,.. whot games are you talking about?? also you should try delete the keys and redownload your store games and run them with TN-D again so you have new keys>?>?
Didn't know 635pro saved keys,. mebbe this is whot TN is mad about >?>?
i like aloader but i still use prometheus iso-loader(eboot) because it suports game resume on my PSP-Go :) and aloader doesn't,.. :(