Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Incoming! – 6.35 PRO-B3 tomorrow
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Pages: 1 2
I use a pro for a long time, because it is more convenient .. system.Tn-d is also of course good, but it requires overdub different loaders for example, to fire .. backup iso's.
Permanent patch is irrelevant to me ..

Now...where is that b3??
Today is now 2days from "tomorrow"
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ]I use a pro for a long time, because it is more convenient .. system.Tn-d is also of course good, but it requires overdub different loaders for example, to fire .. backup iso's.
Permanent patch is irrelevant to me ..

Now...where is that b3??
Today is now 2days from "tomorrow"

they are probably working on that permanent patch that 6.20 TN got too. The waiting will be worth it.
Hmm, maybe have problem on japan.... maybe is still alive

Adr!an Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, maybe have problem on japan.... maybe is still alive

Hope people are okay... -sniff for all- Whyowhy
Download PRO-B3 now!

Pages: 1 2
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