Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASED]6.35 Custom v17 & 6.37 ME-6 fix for PSP2000
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PSP Developer neur0n just released a fix for CFW 6.37ME-6 & 6.35Customv17.

This Custom Firmware is only for PSP2000 with Datacode 8B or lower!

Quote:v6/v17 fix:
-- Fixed crash when boot with JigkickBattery.
-- Fixed crash when execute SensMe.

Download: 6.37 ME-6 fix
Download: 6.35 CustomBeta v17 fix


Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some reputation.
neurOn should add online cfw update ;)

anyway,. gonne try this also hope DC will work now,. and again thanks Flo! i can only rep you once,...

edit: Digital Comics also works now :)
Added v17 fix ;)
Hello guys
....Thanks for this news...wonderfull job from neur0n..hope that his CFW will be one day compatible with PSP 100X...
I had a question ???
Is JigkickBattery a pandora batterie ?? am-A wrong ???
Thanks in advance for your answers..
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