Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Dragon Age II
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Haven't even really played the first, but for fans of it, the second installment is here.

Here's the demo version: http://dragonage.bioware.com/info/demo/
Also, 1GB texture pack for those with higher end computers: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/03/...e-2-patch/

Dunno much about the game myself, but putting it up for anyone interested.
Loved the first, and from the demo, the second looks to be even better

Though i can't get it till next pay day :(
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Haven't even really played the first, but for fans of it, the second installment is here.

Dragon Age was really good imo.  Worth giving it a shot, but it will eat some time, 50-100hrs probably, depending on whether you bother with all the side stuff or not.
currently playing it with PC version, very much better than the first.
It is too Mass Effect 2-ish, though. While not really a bad thing (very nicely done, even), I am thinking this has been simplified a lot. It becomes overly apparent that Consoles were the primary focus for the game.

Still, will buy.
I agree its simplified a bit, but i don't think its been harmed for it. Its less Herp Derp simple than it is Streamlined simple, imo

And i havent stopped playing it since i installed it yesterday morning, im having a blast on the full game
Simple? Probably.
Word is that Bioware even lampshaded themselves on this, with a guy in a tavern who remarks that "it might just be me, but everything seems simpler these days; from fighting to eating." (Although that quote's probably not verbatim.)
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