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When you download and install you get 2GB free storage.

What is dropbox?
Spoiler for description:
Dropbox is a file hosting service operated by Dropbox, Inc. which uses cloud computing to enable users to store and share files and folders with others across the Internet using file synchronization.
Soo you can host your download's for others and it's simple...Yay

File Sharing:
  • Shared folders allow several people to collaborate on the same files.
  • See other people's changes instantly.
  • Use your "Public" folder to link directly to files.
  • Control who has access to your shared folders. Kick people out and remove the shared files from their computers in the process.
  • Automatically create shareable online photo galleries out of regular folders.
lol@whoring for free extra space
I already have dropbox account.

Here's the official link by the way: http://www.dropbox.com/
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]I already have dropbox account.

i never did use it.
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]lol@whoring for free extra space

lol u got me Hurry
i have an ADrive account. Its way better. 50GB of free online storage.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]i have an ADrive account. Its way better. 50GB of free online storage.

hmmm but can you share links with other people????

cause it says 50 gb personal use.
I don't mind it but I hate the whole "if you upload your stuff here it now belongs to us regardless of copyright".

Also yes, ADrive allows you to share links.
^ But then, for most things, they probably don't care about the school assignment you're sharing around with other group members.

Of course, you shouldn't be sharing highly sensitive info on there.
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]lol@whoring for free extra space

meh, you as a user get bonus space for being refered as well, so

And i like Adrive for its space, but the fact that dropbox is a folde ron my desktop, which Adrive doesn't offer for free, is just convienient for sharing
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