Endless Paradigm

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when the card is good I've copied and uploaded with 3, 4, 5 MB. now when it's broken the speed is from 2 kb\s to 200 b\s.

Quote:Edit: also you might want to leave yah computer if you want to backup all your files

i can't because the speed decrease a lot. from 1 hour the time increase to 1 day and goes up.

another problem that i have is that i can't delete anything from it and also i can't upload anything on it.
i found memorystick tool 1.0 for psp but i can't put in on the card.
I'll wait now for a friend to come with a card reader. maybe it will work to back up something or if not I'll hope that the format will work.
strange problems with this card :(
this is not double post. from the last post and this one has past a lot of hours.

ok. so, i can't format the card from a card reader. i alos tried to copied something from this card to another one that i have (sandisk 4GB original) with pspfiller throught flash 1 and is not working.
but i have an idea last night. i go trought savedata from psp and choose to copy a save game to the other card. he ask me to change the destination card and it works. so i finally copied all the saves with this method. i got sick to change the cards between them but was worth it. i don't know where the save goes when is about to copied from one card to another. maybe in the ramdisk?

anyway, I'm happy that i have all game saves. so i will trow the card in to the trash and i will save money to buy another one, but original this time.

thanks for your help
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