Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ZeroRCO Patcher v0.2 released!
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Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some reputation.

[Image: capturagamebootbrokenpl.jpg]

ZeroRCO Patcher v0.2 has just been released by [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]NightStar3[/COLOR]!

Quote:---What is it?---

ZeroRCO patcher is a plugin for 6.20, 6.31, and 6.35 that allows users to
do many different things, such as load your custom modified
resources(.rco) files and custom gameboot's(.pmf) from the memory stick
or the PSP GO's internal storage.

---How does it work?---

The plugin will check to see which files are in ms0:/seplugins/RCO/
and if the file is there and called upon in flash, the one from
the memory stick will be loaded. If not, it will load the original
one from flash.
(Gameboots are loaded from the same directory)

This is made to prevent bricks when using custom resources
or a custom gameboot(this does not touch your flash).

---Extra Notes---

In order to insure that everything works as planned, be sure
to use RCO's modified from the firmware you are using, or you might
experience some problems with some files.

This version works on 6.20, 6.31, and 6.35.

Almost every RCO is supported with this version.

---Enabling It---

You can enable it like any other plugin.

Make sure to open up ms0:/seplugins/vsh.txt and ms0:/seplugins/game.txt
and type in and save "ms0:/seplugins/zerorco_patcher.prx 1"
(for the PSP GO, change ms0 to ef0)

Be sure to restart your VSH after enabling it.


Davee - Inspiring me to code this plugin
ZiNgA BuRgA - RCO Editor


will it work on 500 ? anyway i had to try it out.

Nah its not working!
Yeah, sorry but only for 620TN,631PRO and 635PRO.

But on 5.00M33 you can try it "my Random Gameboot", but it's only for gameboots.

I plan on getting a PSP GO sometime so this could come in handy.
Always said "Once I can make themes on the GO I'll get one"

anyways I don't see the fascination in getting rep, but +rep just cause you want it. :)
it seems that 0.2 works now on the go..
I addded custom icons (topmenu_icon),plugin get starded,but i don't have any icons now...prabobly its too big file.rco
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