Endless Paradigm

Full Version: MP3 PlayerPlugin Ver1.0 fix released!
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Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some reputation.

[Image: 2011030610tmj6.jpg]

PSP Developer plum released a new MP3 PlayerPlugin Version for 5.03HEN/620TN/635PRO!

There's now also a Light version that is in english.

This Plugin allows you to hear your own music while playing games oder scrolling in the XMB!

Quote:Add a plug-mp3play_lite (you can use single byte character only!)
Reduced memory use


Nice! thanks for that news..preview version was really slowly play music (on 6.20 tn)

This version too slowly play my mp3's from xmb,don't now why...
Got 6.35 pro-b now
Bugs: crashes my Psp 3001 TN-D as usual..
Bugs: after one song if finished playing the other fails to start, all i see if the memory stick light blinking. I've tried reducing CPU etc speed and no change...but kool plugin
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