Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some
Game Categories Light v1.3 for the 6.3X kernels has just been released by
Quote:CHANGES 1.2b » 1.3
- Added support for the 6.3X kernels.
- Any PSP model running a HEN for 6.20, 6.31, 6.35 or 6.37.
its for 620 to 637 ;)
nice to see this plugin is updated,. def 1 of the best plugins out there :)
Works in 6.35PRO-B2 with bugs. sometimes the xmb freeze
Allan_BH Wrote: [ -> ]Works in 6.35PRO-B2 with bugs. sometimes the xmb freeze
I tested it on TN-D and 631PRO, works just great ;)
I haven't been up to date recently with the PSP scene lately, so please forgive me but, what's the difference between the original GC plugin and the new Lite version, and would Lite version run on 5.50 prome-4?
No, the lite was only designed for the new 6.XX HENs.
So use Game Categories v12 on 5.50 Prome and it will work just fine ;)