Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.35 PRO-B2 WIP
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Coldbird released some info for the upcoming PRO-B2

Quote:Just giving you guys a quick hint on the progress, the Recovery Menu is now complete and features most of the features you guys are used to from M33 CFWs.

You can disable / enable Plugins, apply Registry Hacks and change several settings about PSP behaviour.

Wee are trying to increase the compatiblity with wanted plugins, like the newly released 6.35 Category Plugin right now (ISO Listing Code and Plugin bite…).

cool! i updated to -B now igot 550gen/620TN(on my Go :) and 635pro on a slim,. can't wait to run 635pro-B2 ;)

Blur so many CFW's,. back when DA ruled things were much easier ;)

these are some nice new feature's coming-up Madwin
is this a full cfw yet?
PSX games still have the problem that audiotracks don't work, like in Ridge Racer.
I hope they solve that in the next release...
I have tried Spyro 3 worked fine,. :) PSP-2000

hope they will add UMD-video-iso suport and hide corrupted files in recovery :)
by the way if UMD-video-iso's work on the PSP-Go that would be so cool but dunno if all files are still present,. since the Go doesn't have umd drive ;p
Quote:Concerning PSX Game Compatiblity, you guys should try repacking your Images using Special Game IDs for your discs!

For example: Using the Syphon Filter 3 Game ID (SCUS94640), as discovered by Jinx a long time ago for 3.X based CFWs, fixes Chrono Cross and makes it 100% runable on 6.35 PRO-B.

6:53 am @ blog.coldbird
another bug with the 6.35 PRO-B is when you want to view your're self created document.dat files that can be viewed while playing psx (i convert some of walkthroughs using PSP DocMaker GUI v0.21 so that it can viewable as like a software manual), it got corrupted. so maybe it can fixed that to b2 or the docmaker should have an update
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