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Full Version: Selling old YuGiOh cards
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I hope at least a couple of you play Yu-Gi-Oh on EP, cause i got the mother-lode here to sell.
Just about every card for sale is Rare or higher, and a lot are in Mint or Near-Mint condition.

[Image: img4499la.jpg]

[Image: img4530h.jpg]

[Image: img4542of.jpg]

[Image: img4550g.jpg]

[Image: img4579l.jpg]

[Image: img4583t.jpg]

[Image: img4586s.jpg]

[Image: img4591r.jpg]

[Image: img4594q.jpg]

Got a MASSIVE selection to choose from.


^ archive of all cards, prices and their images are available here

Prices: Flexible
Shipping: Worldwide (excl. Italy)

Please buy my cards ;_;
do you have some "command knight"s in there?
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]do you have some "command knight"s in there?

Axe of Despair
Graceful Charity
Swords of Revealing Light
Axe of Despair
Change of Heart
Monster Reborn
Harpie's Feather Duster
Level Up! (x3)
Special Hurricane
Spell Economics
Return of the Doomed
Wild Nature's Release
Hammer Shot
Cyclone Boomerang
Phantasmal Martyrs
Heavy Storm
Pot of Greed
Mind Control
Soul Exchange
End of The World
Vorse Raider
Gemini Elf
Luster Dragon (x3 [1 Ultra])
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Amphibian Beast
Summoned Skull
Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment
Acid Trap Hole
Acid Trap Hole
Spirit Barrier
Magic Cylinder
Torrential Tribute
Call of the Haunted(x2)
Mirror Force
Penalty Game!
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Zuruckgezwungen[Forced Back]
Gottlicher Zorn
Fusion Monsters
Dark Paladin
Effect Monsters
Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder
Twin-Headed Dragon
Penguin Soldier
Bazoo the Soul-Eater
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer(x2)
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Man-Eater Bug
Schweigsamer Schwertkampfer LV3
Silent Swordsman LV3
Silent Swordsman LV5
Silent Swordsman LV5
Silent Swordsman LV7
Schweigsamer Schwertkampfer LV7
Vampire Lord
Sphinx Teleia
Andro Sphinx
Theinien the Great Sphinx
Cyber Laser Dragon
Dark Ruler Ha Des
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Adhesive Explosive
Terrorking Archfiend
Magician of Faith
Cyber Barrier Dragon (Sell with Attack Reflector Unit)
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon
Emissary of the Afterlife
Fear from the Dark
Lord of D.
Cannon Soldier
Lord of D.
Giant Rat
Vampire Genesis
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Princess Curran
Memory Crusher
Cat's Ear Tribe
Hayabusa Knight
Babyspieldrache der Harpyien
Witch of the Black Forest
Hayabusa Knight
Spirit Reaper

these are all i have

duplicates are varying rarities
that's the only card I'm really interested in... i could get it off ebay... although I'm missing my entire "fairy world" deck and that itself would be like $500 to make it
Nostalgia ensues.
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]Nostalgia ensues.

exactly what i was going to say.

Im nostalging hardcore now, i used to play this game all the time back at primary school.
^ i still play with my friend from time to time, using the tag forces games on PSP, over adhoc party, :P wee just hack all the card out then do it pokemon style.

edit: if anyone interested, wee can play, record it, then post it on the forum xD.

sorry for hijacking thread.
would love to buy some but there is no yugioh scene at all around where i live....
I wan to sell my yugioh card, all jap foil card. I have about 100 ++ card to choose from. Leave a post here if interested. Thanks.
don't use my thread to sell your spoon >_>
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