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Full Version: [620TN/639ME]Sony_Mmod
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updated to639ME Sony_Mmod

First thanks to Patpat for CTFtoolGui Madwin
I had still had to fix some things wich were not converted though ;p
Also thanks to Mr. Shizzy for the 639 module files! Adore

things i updated:
-Main icon fix in account mamager and rss sub menu
-Changed system sub icon order :)
-Main icon fix
-Save-data fix
-Blue tooth menu fix
-All scroll speeds
-Music menu scroll speed
-Volumebar fixxed
-New photo infobar ;p
-Theme menu lightning extra wallpaper fix
-EndlessParadigm link fix
-No reboot icon,.. i use a LightCFW anyway,. mebbe someone can make a recovery prx or a sleep-mode prx,. Blingeye

Please let me know if you run into any bugs Knock-knock

[Image: screenshot025-1.jpg] [Image: screenshot020.jpg]

620TN Sony_Mmod

[Image: 24edweh.jpg]

[Image: o6h4aq.jpg] [Image: dz7cww.jpg]

all infobars are animated
Spoiler for some more screeny's:
[Image: 2z67d5e.jpg] [Image: euoqoo.jpg]
[Image: 2a7exyx.jpg]
[Image: 2l96wdc.jpg][Image: 111o8io.jpg]

game and  ;p
[Image: 2v0lpnt.jpg] [Image: sqh6k5.jpg]
some feature's i like:
- Small hologram system icon in system settings ;) (pops up scrolling,. except in system settings>>system there is something weird there,. )
- The OSK is great, its fully animated switching between different keypads,. also all buttons change color just like the background color,. thanks to ZingaBurga for 4bit images
- Thanks to highboy for making vshmain color editor for all firmware's its not finished yet and i promised to do some further testing,. i had already used it and finally have 100% white text and added new infobar colors wich is awesome because i tried tokeep the infobar colors intact ;) the editor still needs wave color testing though,.
- All infobars are custom, animated, resized,. all system setting infobars, 1xphoto, 1x music, 2x video(folder/files), 2x game(Tseneda Lego Star Wars star animation(small edits) ;)),.. futher network infobars and savedata too,.
-New opening animation
- Added few new click sounds,. couldn't really find any to my liking
- USB screen custom,. press Triangle to get XMB background ;)
- Cube animation in main infobar special thanks to Tseneda for Cube set-up and to PatPat for the animation's i used
- I changed the theme menu preview, it now looks the same as the other theme menu's :)
- Custom photo, music and video panels
- Custom resume game screen
- Main menu icons animated with animated shadows :)
- 5 different classic waves infront of the wallpaper,.. color changing classic wave
- Battery and volume bar from my unfinished V1a theme
- New lock screen
- Countless other change's i can't remember ;p

please report any major bugs you may encounter,.

You will need 620TN-E and the latest CXMB to run this theme.

Total_Noob for 620TN-E
ZIngaBurga rcomage and rcoedit Madwin
PatPat for his awesome multi-function CTFtoolGui Madwin
Tseneda for animation's and making awesome theme's! (just like PatPat ;) )
Highboy the WIP update vshmain color editor!

SonyMmod637ME conversion by playjun thanks :)
Thanks man for this :D Yay
Awesome work v1, as usual..
Looks awesome Nice work V1 :)
Thanks guys! i had really enjoyed making this theme,. but at some point i just have to finish the theme,.. else i keep changing stuff,. ;p and i do want to share this theme,. :)

Total_Noob if you read this!! >>> please release 620TN-D!! its the best most stable, and without 100x updates, theme there is Madwin ,. this is my personal optioning! gawd wish was as easy back then when there was only 1 cfw king ;) you know who you are ;p
for this theme I'm downgraded my 6.37 ME to 6.20 TN and now i see, it was good decision Madwin

This theme is awesome! You presented many new thinks. I can say it's revolution on PSP Theme scene. Good job, V1 Madwin I'm waiting for Sony_Mmod V2!

I mean you'll make 6.35 version too! Please!!!!!1111ONEONE Adore
The infobars <33. I got to teach maself how to use rcomage
Knurr Wrote: [ -> ]for this theme I'm downgraded my 6.37 ME to 6.20 TN and now i see, it was good decision Madwin

This theme is awesome! You presented many new thinks. I can say it's revolution on PSP Theme scene. Good job, V1 Madwin I'm waiting for Sony_Mmod V2!

I mean you'll make 6.35 version too! Please!!!!!1111ONEONE Adore

i am sorry i have no need to update cfw,. i got all i need with 620TN"

and yes there are loads of new things in this theme,. new offsets, new theme menu :) , nvr before seen animated dock(main icons)

Spend 3 days building and tweaking the OnScreenKeyboard lol,. its the best i evr made :)

@dmise you got any question's just let me know,.. rcomage is awesome
Very nice v1. Madwin

* xero1 likes
Damn nice work dude!!
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