Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [620TN/639ME]Sony_Mmod
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hey vegetano1 i have converted this theme to 6.39 , credit goes to you man!!!!
yobagz Wrote: [ -> ]hey vegetano1 i have converted this theme to 6.39 , credit goes to you man!!!!
Facepalm i have just update this theme meself for 639ME,. 99% finished,..

With some extra's and fixxes,..
things i updated:
-Main icon fix in account mamager and rss sub menu
-Changed system sub icon order :)
-Main icon fix
-Save-data fix
-Blue tooth menu fix
-All scroll speeds
-Music menu scroll speed
-Volumebar fixxed
-New photo infobar ;p
-Theme menu lightning extra wallpaper fix
-EndlessParadigm link fix
-No reboot icon,.. i use a LightCFW anyway,. mebbe someone can make a recovery prx or a sleep-mode prx,. Blingeye
Finished update %^^^ :) see OP
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Finished update %^^^ :) see OP

Hellz yeah!!  2thumbs
This is one of my all time favorite themes!  Thanks V1    Yay
Great update!!
Thank you Madwin
Thanks for the update V1!  Yay

It's a really great theme!
Awesome stuff bro!!!
Can you please release a version without the waves being on top of the wallpaper?
Yrs? No? Maybe?
Lawliet156 Wrote: [ -> ]Yrs? No? Maybe?

here you go:

the waves are there but out of the screen ;p
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