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Full Version: [620TN/639ME]Sony_Mmod
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DUDE, can u also make this compatible with 6.38 Kernel:)
I have used the 6.37 vesion, and really liked it (NICE WORK)
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]@v1:

can you post a quick explanation of exactly what alterations you made to game_plugin.rco to tilt the aspect of icon0 and the game info?

Thanks man,

you have to oninit the naim in the xlist lines:

			<Animation name="anim_xlist_game">
				<Rotate object="object:xlist_ms_game" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="-0.8" y="0" z="0" />
				<Rotate object="object:xlist_ms_game_folder" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="-0.8" y="0" z="0" />

this is whot i did for all sub menu lists,.

this works with my 620 pro b6. and i must say...DUDE AWESOME SAUCE!!!!!!!
Um Hey V1 i don't if i have asked you or not but are you gonna convert your FFXIII theme? that one was my most favorite theme out of all of them and what kept me on 5.50 at the time... i like that one because of the gameboot and the OSK as well as the placement of the xmb bar... i don't know how to use the RCOMage nor the CTFGUI thing but i want to learn.
Best thème ever created ;)
Cardant Wrote: [ -> ]Best thème ever created ;)

Thankx Vegetano1:)
I think I made that wave :D   Im glad people still use them O-o considering I made them back in 07.  
[Image: Fuchsia2.jpg]
[Image: red1.jpg]
[Image: grenn2.jpg]

I even mixed the colors
[Image: RedBlueOutline.jpg]

Nice theme by the way :)  they are so complete!
%%%^^^yes i got the waves from EP ;)

i had still want to make a 100% conversion 620TN>>639ME but i am occupied with other stuff :(
good day,sir.
i download your sony mmod themes. and convert to 6.39me version.
can you help me about the bug on savedata. how to fix.
i know its happen because my friend  told me about problem  on savedata.wen his convert to.
i hope you help me.or sir.you create a new version of sony mmod ctf themes 6.39..
because your themes is greatest,themes is see.thanks for the sony mmod themes..
[Image: screenshot017-1.jpg]

got something,. fixxed save-data, main icons, scroll speeds,.. but still spoon load to change,. also i need the 639 module,.. :(

Madwin ctftoolGui v5 beta2 Madwin
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]639ME
[Image: screenshot017-1.jpg]

got something,. fixxed save-data, main icons, scroll speeds,.. but still spoon load to change,. also i need the 639 module,.. :(

Madwin ctftoolGui v5 beta2 Madwin

Sweet!   Can't wait!!!!   2thumbs
My PSP 2000 misses mMod (and so do I  :p)
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