Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
I'ma 1337 mofo that's how it happened. B|
i told them my password
Why would you do that?
You did it for the hell of it?
no they were cracking my password, so i decided to save them the trouble and telll them (not gonna say any names... it was them)
Actually, I found that out not that much longer after I made my last post, so I now basically know what happened.
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]no they were cracking my password, so i decided to save them the trouble and telll them (not gonna say any names... it was them)

[Image: bigrigs7.jpg]
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]This thread.

fukken aye
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]no they were cracking my password, so i decided to save them the trouble and telll them (not gonna say any names... it was them)

That seemed a little stupid.
Pages: 1 2 3
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