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The Future of the 6.35 PRO LCFW and a Update!
Quote:Dear users, thank you all for your regular patronage.
Wee again have news on the recent development of 6.35 PRO-B!
It’s now possible to play custom PSX EBOOT games – which marks one of two remaining big offline themed features wee intend to implement into the PRO series custom firmware.
At the time of writing this article wee are still ironing out a few remaining bugs which occur while playing Multi-Disc PSX EBOOT games, other than that though the implementation of PSX support is now complete.
I wish to use this chance to inform you all of the future plans wee have for 6.35 PRO. There is one big remaining offline feature wee wish to implement after PSX gaming, which wee will include into a PRO-B subversion, like wee did for A to A4, namely the often-requested recovery menu to enable plugins, etc. on the fly right on the PSP.
PRO-B will mark the last offline related version change for a while, after this it’s all about bugfixing problems you guys report and online themed programming for PRO-C.
PRO-C in turn, will be the last closed source release wee intend to do for the PRO series custom firmware, all followup versions will be released including FULL gpl licensed sourcecode and documentation.
This marks our last and final attempt to rescue the PSP scene which became corrupted and despicable a long time ago… people flame each other over stupid spoon everywhere (no PRO is better, NO TN IS BETTER, OMG how dare you don't use GEN, its stupid guys, stop it…), developers, instead of sharing their knowledge, hinder scene development by keeping their code under a lock, in terms of development that is… good examples of this behaviour are those of Total_Noob, Dark_Alex, Team Gen, etc…
Before someone tries to flame me for that statement please try to think about it yourself, wee would have had a 6.X based custom firmware a long time ago, way earlier… if wee had access to a working custom firmware sourcecode a long time ago… the way it currently is, every new iteration of custom firmware required a full reinventing of the wheel… instead of minor modifications of existing code.
And to ensure that the PSP remains alive, even after Sony drops it in favor of the NGP, wee should work together on one good and stable codebase and improve it together, instead of fighting for something stupid like eFame which many developers obviously do.
The reason for our set time of opensourcing the PRO components is easily explained aswell: wee intend to hand in 6.35 PRO-C as a Genesis Competition entry so wee can get back the money wee have invested in the scene so far… (3 PSPs of mine died in the progress of developing PRO for you guys… may they rest in peace), cause unlike Total_Noob, etc. wee never cashed donation money from you guys for required Hardware making it quite a expensive task to develope PRO.
In fact it’s not a secret, wee only got a total of 5$ donation – WORLDWIDE – by far not enough to cover our existing costs of development, so I think it’s just fair that wee keep the source under lock till then so wee can participate in the Genesis competition without someone hexediting our code to display a different version string (watch out for the m33_user faker who distributes our cfw under M33 label…).
Well, that sums up our current status and future plans for now guys, I will see you around the neighborhood, for latest builds check out http://pro.coldbird.co.cc – who knows, 6.35 PRO-B might be on there sometime soon…
Greetings, Coldbird. ...
Quoted from coldbird's Blog


Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some reputation.
Open Source firmware? Wee are going to make ideal CFW...
Yes,Open Source firmware.

That reminds me on the old times ;D
Just donated 25$, cause i guess those guys deserve it :)

this is awesome!
Except that with the source code readily available Sony will know exactly what holes to plug. But I think it's a good idea nonetheless.
CFW doesn't expose holes, however it can be easier to see how their can make developers' lives difficult.
I ultimately doubt they care at this point, which means that it's probably a good idea anyway.
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