Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My audiosurf....surfs.....YEH
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Hey guys, I'm a big fan of anything that sounds awesome and even better I love to surf that shizz. Since I upgraded my rig from intergrated graphics to a XFX tuned Ati 5750 card I've been able to play all my games without lag (unless fraps is on) and so have been busy trying to dethrone people on Audiosurf. It's only recently I decided to start recording my games and so I present you a playlist of various music (all relating to touhou though Yay) surfed with Mono pro (I'm too turtleish for Elite Emptyone) with Ironmode enabled! (Means that shizz you thought was awesome before, now is even more uber awesome due to the rev limiter being eaten by the almighty ceiling Cat). I tried to get clean runs in most of them.......but I got distracted by bacon on some of my runs.....honestly If Also not all are in HD, though I think only the first 4 aren't HD, the rest are though.
Audiosurf TOUHOU Playlist #1

I'm planning on doing a speed run of Amnesia so I'm not doing anymore audiosurf playlists for a while Specky
i need audiosurf again
When I think of audio surf.
I always wonder what it would be like to smell and taste a song you are listening to...
Ive seen a couple of audiosurf videos, that game looks pretty fun
Love Audiosurf.

I play Pointman Pro but most of the time it's me and my Sister playing Double and wee've got plenty of titles earned from it.

EP has an Audiosurf Clan - Join it, prefix your name [EP] and help make ourselves known!

My username atm is Razgriz.wilson never mind just made new account :3
Melt - Hatsune Miku
Will do Proper, what album is it off?

Edit: Done, I actually have that album in my cd collection :3 though it's got the kanji name :P Top of the nearby scores :D 5th world wide. 108,958 Mono pro ironmanmodepooo
I'll give it a go later.
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]Will do Proper, what album is it off?

Edit: Done, I actually have that album in my cd collection :3 though it's got the kanji name :P Top of the nearby scores :D 5th world wide. 108,958 Mono pro ironmanmodepooo

where are you?

'Melt' By Hatsune Miku
1 minute ago using Double Vision Pro for a total of 179481 points
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