Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New info for Somy MGD revealed
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New info
Quote:[Image: mgdcopy.png]
    - Air condition included which can go to temperatures as low as -185 degrees celius
    - 4096 Giga bytes of RAM
    - New game media format (currently unknown
    - touch screen which is also a HD screen.
    - touch pads on the back, sides and other places.
    - sliding keyboard
    - 16777216 Yotta bytes of HDD space
    - Emulate consoles and portables prior to it's release with 100% compatibility
    - Install other OS
    - Fly to the moon in just 2 hours
    - The ability to the search for intelligent extra terrestrial life.
    - Stealth mode allows you to play to it during school and work without getting caught
    - Shoot high frequency laser beams
    - Listen into secret government, police and military radio
    - Change matter into other matter
    - Can find if there's really a god or how the universe was created
    - Design shown is not finalized
SOMY? lols Madwin
Got to love those touchpads.
2 hours?! Sheesh, Somy, the Nimtendo 4PS can fly to Jupiter in that time! You need to step up your game!

(EDIT: What? Someone's got to be the critic for this :P)
ChrisHighwind Wrote: [ -> ]2 hours?! Sheesh, Somy, the Nimtendo 4PS can fly to Jupiter in that time! You need to step up your game!

(EDIT: What? Someone's got to be the critic for this :P)

That decides it for me I'm getting a 4PS and moving to Jupiter. Adore
ChrisHighwind Wrote: [ -> ]2 hours?! Sheesh, Somy, the Nimtendo 4PS can fly to Jupiter in that time! You need to step up your game!

(EDIT: What? Someone's got to be the critic for this :P)

Due to the delay of the MGD in favour for the fatter and heavier FSP, the technology could change in time as it is still in development.
Quote:Shoot high frequency laser beams

Are they pink?
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Shoot high frequency laser beams

Are they pink?

sorry, but i read that they were blue
Pages: 1 2
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