Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] PSPInstaller V4
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Pages: 1 2
This looks pretty interesting. Nice work
spike_132000 Wrote: [ -> ]spike_132000 here to release PSPInstaller V4


SIGNED EBOOT - Should work with OFW / CFW
Full Code Rewrite (Now 400(ish) Lines shorter then PSPInstaller V3.XX)
New User Interface
Menu Sounds
Left over ZIP file removal upon restart.
Much More!


[Image: rk3jhl.png]

[Image: 15d6jcy.png]

[Image: 33wbgok.png]

[Image: 2yw7gh2.png]

[Image: 2q9l5yo.png]

[Image: qzhv82.png]

[Image: 2dvlilv.png]



** PLEASE **

Comment below on any bugs you find, how much you enjoy using the program, and if there is anything more you would like adding to it!


rthis is bad donkey :)
Wow, you've done so much with this. I wish I was still able to help with it. :/

After I move out, I may actually be able to re-open a repo...
unfortunately jooms, the repo's are hard coded into the program now because the master server died and the creator of it has since left the internets and gone a trip to australia ;(
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