Endless Paradigm

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Screenshot is an app available on the Market. And you can rip the apk from the ROM zip and share it. Knock-knock
My phone is too crappy to embarrass it with a screenshot :(
i think the launcher is heavily rom Dependant just check out the rom, at miui-dev.com, for me it's the best rom around
Spoiler for "NSFW":
[Image: nyaab.png][Image: ooohi.png]
can't exactly post these anywhere else since it has umm nudity :D...anyways was bored one day and junk and decided to post some umm yea... hehe  =3='

-JAMT B/W for CM7 Theme Chooser
-Suave Icons for iPhone
-Dock(can't remember found it somewhere :3)
-WidgetLocker Theme is err...look in xda thread and you should find it >"<

Also hope to make my own theme soon so check out my thingy status with the birdy sometime android users >''>~~

very slow progress though, not enuff time as b4 ;-;
I know I'm boring but hey :p

[Image: sc20110422130953.png]

How many girls can you name from their legs? (and clothes, lol)

(Galaxy S has intergrated snapshot utility :D)
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I know I'm boring but hey :p

[Image: sc20110422130953.png]

How many girls can you name from their legs? (and clothes, lol)

(Galaxy S has intergrated snapshot utility :D)

Nice one Sensei!^^ You just badly need a ADB push to overwrite arial.ttf xD
[Image: w1g3rd.jpg][Image: 2potk6o.jpg]

flashed miui n stuff \o/

wish i had more time to customize ;_;
[Image: 20110623141209.jpg][Image: 20110623141212.jpg]

Eh nothing fancy using the update from MIUI, love how the status icons blend except for the trillian one...I should do something about that... *~*'
evo shifters~
[Image: 2w23joh.png]

acer tablers~
[Image: rgvtqv.png]

^nothing but wall~ Hihi

idk I'm afraid of the big donkey space and basically all the widgets work for it so I might add mnml text or something on it...idk an update soon though, but I mainly use it for gaming/watching movies n stuff so i  see no reason to add weather and junk but might as wee'll see /o/

Also ADW EX kinda sucks on it, I prefer the default launcher so until they figure out how to hide the notifications and stuff I'll stick with default =D
I miss my phone so much. :(
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