PSP Developer
Draan released a useful plugin for the
genesis competition with that you can translate your xmb without rco manipulation.
The OFW supports only 12 languages,WorldWide are more than 6800 languages spoken,so it's very useful.
Download! MU,
Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some
That's pretty cool.
Though I know RCO manipulation so I'm probably not going to use this :/
How does this work>? will rco be edited and whot about theme suport?
looks nice

It works with every theme :=)
I think this is pointless. Some people even change their instant messenger clients from English to their native language. Office suites I can understand since most schools have them switched and there's a certain familiarity to it once you learn in that language. But IM clients ?? Come on...
Same with the XMB. WHY ? The translation sounds so... foreign. I can't get anywhere if I set my TV menu language to something other than English (well, maybe like 80% of the time I could) and I can't imagine switching for any other software program on my computer.
Oh, and it works the other way around too. I met someone who wanted to learn Italian because he was going to visit some relatives there. He switched his mobile phone's default language to Italian.

I asked him if he was stupid or something... I mean think about it. How much Italian do you think you'll learn from doing that ?
So if anyone plans to translate their XMB to Swahili or something because they want to learn Swahili, know you are f*cking stupid.
DSpider Wrote: [ -> ]I think this is pointless. Some people even change their instant messenger clients from English to their native language. Office suites I can understand since most schools have them switched and there's a certain familiarity to it once you learn in that language. But IM clients ?? Come on...
Same with the XMB. WHY ? The translation sounds so... foreign. I can't get anywhere if I set my TV menu language to something other than English (well, maybe like 80% of the time I could) and I can't imagine switching for any other software program on my computer.
Oh, and it works the other way around too. I met someone who wanted to learn Italian because he was going to visit some relatives there. He switched his mobile phone's default language to Italian.
I asked him if he was stupid or something... I mean think about it. How much Italian do you think you'll learn from doing that ?
So if anyone plans to translate their XMB to Swahili or something because they want to learn Swahili, know you are f*cking stupid.
Did you not read it? It's for people who's languages arent supported by the PSP.
Maybe my point wasn't clear enough.
Translating your XMB to be more conformable means you're a pussy. Observe the younger generation now. When Cartoon Network decided to translate the cartoons, many prepubescents wee're happy they could understand what the characters were saying. Then they grew older and failed English courses throughout their entire academic life. How's that for translating something they should've left alone ?
But it also works the other way around. Switching your XMB to a foreign language thinking you'll actually learn that language = moronic thinking. Savvy ?