Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Themes For 6.20 and 6.35] Aquapanic Converted by Alienguise1479[Updated]
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Hello Everyone!

Today I Converted A Ctf called Aquapanic by Frankzito

This is for 6.20 and 6.35

Here is The Preview
[Image: aquapanic.png]

[Image: aquapanic2.png]

Quote:Aquapanic 6.20 ver. (Tested)
Download here

Quote:Aquapanic 6.35 ver (Not Tested Yet)
Download here

I takes me about 2 Hours To convert it because of XML edditing in synconf.rco, opening_plugin.rco, system_plugin_bg.rco!

Note:No Extra Icon
Ok, theme works fine on PSP-3000 on 6.35

Upon further inspection, it seems that the PSP freezes whenever trying to access MUSIC via XMB
maybe that beacause you have many file in music
mine freeze too!
And I don't know the problem.
Thanks Nice Theme
I don't think so.
Just unpack it and delete the rcos and prx for the music, pack it again and try it.
If it don't freeze there is a problem with these files. Madwin
I find out the causes of freezing in viewing of music and photo.
I Delete the music_player.prx, music_player_plugin.rco, photo_player.prx,and photo_player_plugin.rco

Thanks For the advice.
can you attach that please. :)

Edit: the 6.20 one
DeMeTriC Wrote: [ -> ]can you attach that please. :)

Edit: the 6.20 one
Edit2: nevermind nice theme :)
not working on my psp Go!   6.20 TN-C when I open it from XMB, it says the "file can not be opened"   :(
Did you put the Ctf theme under the THEME folder?
And I do not have a psp go I'm Using Only a PSP2000v3
And I don't know why it isn't working in om PSP go

(Sorry for my bad english)
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