Endless Paradigm

Full Version: most memorable you have played the last 2 years
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Looking at me game collection,. i guess FFXIII is still fresh in my memory,. ;p

although i won't play the game for awhile i had plenty of fun playing it,. and await to play FFXIII again,. but yeah its very memorable duh,. so could take a while before playing it again,. sigh/grrmbll,..

second,. borderlands ;p but needs borderlands 2,. found every single pearl and more,..
Definitely Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. <3

Can't wait for the third!
Nothing yet :/
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Metal Gear Solid 4

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

God of War 3
ff13 and starcraft 2
Uhh, does it have to be a game that was released in the last two years?
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Uhh, does it have to be a game that was released in the last two years?

not if your name is sparker,. Hi buddy!!

if i had to choose between all the games i had played,.. then would be difficult,. last 2 years def FFXIII :)

@Grey Ghost all the games i did't play,. hehe,. except for GOW3,. but was nah,. sold the game,.
Wii Metroid games, but I haven't played many new games lately. I will get Mass Effect when I get a new PC that can handle it.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]Metal Gear Solid 4
Gran Turismo 5
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