11/02/2011, 03:13 PM
so i just finished editing all infobars in the sysconf_plugin.rco,. 38 infobars,. -_- hehe
was wandering if these feature's are only on the PSP-go?
Page name="page_psp_config_birthday"
Page name="page_display_config_pi_blending_mode"
because i don't think i find them in my XMB,.
a small update for this thread,. turning the thread into a clock mod topic,. ;p
first the video of the clock
video made by Heartless141 ;)
Source: YouTube
Slide_plugin.rco rco xml thanks to gsmoke
Some offsets found by dmise in prxeditor1.2 (scrambles)
and finally a hbk made by dmise with all image offsets ((see attachment)non scrambled))
was wandering if these feature's are only on the PSP-go?
Page name="page_psp_config_birthday"
Page name="page_display_config_pi_blending_mode"
because i don't think i find them in my XMB,.
a small update for this thread,. turning the thread into a clock mod topic,. ;p
first the video of the clock
video made by Heartless141 ;)
Source: YouTube
Slide_plugin.rco rco xml thanks to gsmoke
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
- <!-- This XML representation of an RCO structure was generated by Rcomage v1.1.1
- <RcoFile UMDFlag="0" rcomageXmlVer="1.1" type="psp" minFirmwareVer="2.6">
- <MainTree name="camera_plugin">
- <SoundTree>
<Sound name="sound_timeout" src="Sounds\sound_timeout.ch*.vag" format="vag" channels="2" />
- <ObjectTree>
<Page name="slide_main_page" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="event:native:/OnInitSlideMainPage" onCancel="event:native:/OnCancelSlideMainPage" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="event:native:/OnActivateSlideMainPage" />
<Page name="slide_blank" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="nothing" onCancel="nothing" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="nothing" />
- <!-- This XML representation of an RCO structure was generated by Rcomage v1.1.1
- <RcoFile UMDFlag="0" rcomageXmlVer="1.1" type="psp" minFirmwareVer="2.6">
- <MainTree name="camera_plugin">
- <SoundTree>
<Sound name="sound_timeout" src="Sounds\sound_timeout.ch*.vag" format="vag" channels="2" />
- <ObjectTree>
<Page name="slide_main_page" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="event:native:/OnInitSlideMainPage" onCancel="event:native:/OnCancelSlideMainPage" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="event:native:/OnActivateSlideMainPage" />
<Page name="slide_blank" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="nothing" onCancel="nothing" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="nothing" />
Some offsets found by dmise in prxeditor1.2 (scrambles)
and finally a hbk made by dmise with all image offsets ((see attachment)non scrambled))