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Full Version: PSP-Go clock mod,. what's up with that!?
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so i just finished editing all infobars in the sysconf_plugin.rco,. 38 infobars,. -_- hehe

was wandering if these feature's are only on the PSP-go?
Page name="page_psp_config_birthday"
Page name="page_display_config_pi_blending_mode"

because i don't think i find them in my XMB,.

a small update for this thread,. turning the thread into a clock mod topic,. ;p

first the video of the clock
video made by Heartless141 ;)
Source: YouTube

Slide_plugin.rco rco xml thanks to gsmoke
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
- <!--  This XML representation of an RCO structure was generated by Rcomage v1.1.1
- <RcoFile UMDFlag="0" rcomageXmlVer="1.1" type="psp" minFirmwareVer="2.6">
- <MainTree name="camera_plugin">
- <SoundTree>
  <Sound name="sound_timeout" src="Sounds\sound_timeout.ch*.vag" format="vag" channels="2" />
- <ObjectTree>
  <Page name="slide_main_page" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="event:native:/OnInitSlideMainPage" onCancel="event:native:/OnCancelSlideMainPage" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="event:native:/OnActivateSlideMainPage" />
  <Page name="slide_blank" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="nothing" onCancel="nothing" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="nothing" />

Some offsets found by dmise in prxeditor1.2 (scrambles)
[Image: OFKbq.jpg]

and finally a hbk made by dmise with all image offsets Madwin ((see attachment)non scrambled))
I'm sure the birthday one is Go! only as I remember one of the initial setup features was the requirement for you to enter your date of birth, probably something to do with the PSN for unregistered users :/ The other one I don't know.
i think DOB was for content restriction for age ratings on games
nah,. there is already a parental control in system security,.. >?!? this is in the system settings first mlist above nickname,..

there could be stuff in rco's wich sony still wants to add in a future firmware,.
on your birthday and some random holiday, it goes all firework and say happy birthday/happy new year when you close the screen.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]on your birthday and some random holiday, it goes all firework and say happy birthday/happy new year when you close the screen.

Erk there is no firework rco Erk

i am kinda interested in this >> pi_blending_mode?? i am gonne recheck my tv connection mebbe this option only appears when connected,..
want me to take a video of it?
Source: YouTube

sorry for quality lol, bad camera is bad :P

on the calendar thing, there are sparkles around the birthdate.
hehe,. my bad you r not kidding,. this is "go" only for sure,. O_o

no to find the rco and prx,.
hmmm by the way do you think changing the wallpaper of the closed lid screen is possible? i'd love to do that.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]hmmm by the way do you think changing the wallpaper of the closed lid screen is possible? i'd love to do that.
i think i need the decrypted PSP-go rco's and prx's for that,. Erk but i am no good decrypting decompressing files
also i don't ahve a PSP-go,.
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