Endless Paradigm

Full Version: i finaly hooked my comp to the 50 inch and i gots some video probs
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mine will support it? thanks a ton for all the help draggy
It should, I'm jealous Flatterd
ive run full 1080 HD stuff off of my laptop to a friends 62", hell ive played games in full HD... it was hella sweet...

BUT, you do need a ton of power to run in full HD resolution

that being said....

what CPU do you have?
ram [size and type, how many sticks? Dual channel or single?]
and video card [and is it over clocked]


T7200 Core 2 Duo 2.0GHZ
2GB[2x1GB] DDR2 667MHZ dual channel
7950GTX 512MB [666/784]
my movies are not hd and they run perfect on normal monitors,it is connected by a normal pc monitar cable (the blue headed one) which goes straight into my tv
pc specs....?
are mouse movement and menu animations jerky on the tv like the video is? What about a game?
oh... true... good call draggy

also, what res do you normally run, and what res is the TV

and are you running JUST the TV

or dual monitors?
ok no anitmations,mouse movements and games are jerky its jus video i have tried vlc and wmp and they still jerk like hell

my res is the same 1024 x 780 a 60hz

i don't know all of my pc's specs but i do know that it has a 64 mb graphics carda 512 ddr ram and 2. 51 ghz p4 and running xp pro
im calling shenanigans on the card
ahhh nuts
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