07/02/2011, 10:11 AM
07/02/2011, 10:12 AM
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]Great another HEN, they really need to make a 6.37 HEN Just for newer PSN games support. Anyways thanks for the news. :)
im waiting for that 6.37 hen .........
07/02/2011, 10:17 AM
There won't be a 6.37HEN because there's no Exploit!
Wait for a 6.37exploit and then think about a 6.37 hen :=)
Wait for a 6.37exploit and then think about a 6.37 hen :=)
07/02/2011, 12:20 PM

By the way if your on 6.35 PRO all you have to do is copy the 635PROUPDATE to your game folder then lunch it from your XMB and then just press x and its finished

07/02/2011, 08:01 PM
Quote:support more home-made software, including CMFr21cTHIS made me happy.

08/02/2011, 12:04 AM
liquidzigong aka virtousflame just tweeted this:
Quote:635PRO-A: 0x8002014E bug fixedSo i guess wee can see an update soon...
08/02/2011, 12:56 PM
I've tried this yesterday on my PSP 1004 (fat), result = just a HEN in another HEN for now :(
Would be so much better if it was signed... and if the channels from the iso's that show would also boot XD
Atm. I would recommend you stay on the normal PRO for a while, saves you some time and this doesn't add much yet.
But no doubt I'll test the next release too because I really respect those guys :)
Would be so much better if it was signed... and if the channels from the iso's that show would also boot XD
Atm. I would recommend you stay on the normal PRO for a while, saves you some time and this doesn't add much yet.
But no doubt I'll test the next release too because I really respect those guys :)
08/02/2011, 05:49 PM
09/02/2011, 01:55 AM
@Den Hette
can you try signing that program? i think it will work, hehee
can you try signing that program? i think it will work, hehee
11/02/2011, 09:26 PM
So like...
I'm still running 5.00 m33
should I bother looking into this?
I read all the features and thought it sounded awesome, but will it still run all my custom firmware applications? XD
I'm just slightly concerned and I'm also curious if there is anyway to get my old psp stuff back if everything explodes oo
I'm still running 5.00 m33
should I bother looking into this?
I read all the features and thought it sounded awesome, but will it still run all my custom firmware applications? XD
I'm just slightly concerned and I'm also curious if there is anyway to get my old psp stuff back if everything explodes oo