Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.35 Custom v9 released!
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The Developer neur0n has released his 6.35 Custom Firmware for flashable 2000 PSPĀ“s in Beta 9!

Don't use this on a PSP 1000/2000v3/3000/Go,cause it would Brick!

    -- Add NP9660_Driver.


I founded that release first
(look at pspking.de)
so...don't know which Thread should be closed....
double you tee eff,but mine thread was faster here.

I had prob delete/close this thread,. flofrucht already posted this,. but i guess a v10 will be here soon,. hehe

1win for flo,. O_o

thanks shaplayer yours will stay next,..
I'll close it because one probably needs to be.
Thanks to both shaplayer and flofrucht for posting the news though!
(great to have people trying to inform EPeople of new stuffs)
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