Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Signed 6.20 TN-C (HEN) MOD via Digital Comics/SensMe
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flofrucht created a Digital Comics/SensMe MOD for 6.20 TN-C (HEN) with that you can launch 6.20 TN-C directly via Digital Comics/SensMe Icon.


*Download and unzip it
*connect your psp to your computer
*put it in the PSP root/ms0/ef0
*replace existing files with the new ones

Download! Digital Comics MOD UL,FF,SO,MU

Download! SensMe MOD UL,FF,SO,MU


Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some reputation.
I don't use digital comics so.. i add in there.. thanks for that ;)
works on 5.03 with gomessenger app as well. replaced the eboot from go messenger application with the signed 5.03xploit by LZ
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