There's something crusty in my carpet and I just found it with my foot and I'm afraid to find out what it is. HALP
dog doodoo?
love stain?
if none of the above its an alien corpse that you killed long ago and forgot about that turned into a stinky crust.
Smell it. Easiest way to find out
It's like, right in between my desk and TV stand which is very secluded so if a love stain made it there then I feel like that's an achievement of sorts.
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]It's like, right in between my desk and TV stand which is very secluded so if a love stain made it there then I feel like that's an achievement of sorts.
I lolt
Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]Semen.
That's your answer??
lol yahhh!!!
kick donkey dude!!!