Anyone know how to recolor this 4bit png image?
first i tried in PS but PS does't suport 4bit png's,. so i found out that gimp does,. and yes there it is the image with transparency :) but that's as far as i can go,.. trying to recolor the blue to white is't working :(
step 2 would be a batch recolor,. hehe,.. but if i know how to recolor 1 png i had be happy too :)
here is the image,.. :
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone know how to recolor this 4bit png image?
first i tried in PS but PS does't suport 4bit png's,. so i found out that gimp does,. and yes there it is the image with transparency :) but that's as far as i can go,.. trying to recolor the blue to white is't working :(
step 2 would be a batch recolor,. hehe,.. but if i know how to recolor 1 png i had be happy too :)
here is the image,.. :
Dit it with Fireworks : )
patpat Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone know how to recolor this 4bit png image?
first i tried in PS but PS does't suport 4bit png's,. so i found out that gimp does,. and yes there it is the image with transparency :) but that's as far as i can go,.. trying to recolor the blue to white is't working :(
step 2 would be a batch recolor,. hehe,.. but if i know how to recolor 1 png i had be happy too :)
here is the image,.. :
Dit it with Fireworks : )
and did you add all osk images with rcomage without resources to high,. image white blocked,.?
i will try and find FW,. and give it a try ;)
basically i want a OSK rco with all white text,. so i can recolor all text in the xml or with rcoedit,..
Blue text images you can only color black,. :(
Interesting that Photoshop doesn't support indexed PNGs with an alpha channel, and Fireworks does.
It seems that patpat's GIM is 8-bit though - GimConv is a bit silly and doesn't seem to try to count colours used in the least. If you're using the GimConv supplied with Rcomage, you can just supply the "-bpp4" argument to force it as 4-bit.
Interestingly, even as 4-bit, it still generates a palette with 256 colour entries (the weirdness of GimConv I guess) and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to change that.
Anyway, I've attached the 4-bit GIM version, with a shortened palette, which should be able to replace into RCO Editor, or RCOMage (for the latter, don't forget to change the XML to point to the GIM file rather than the PNG file).
%^^there is 400 images in the OSk,. ;p
you prob know me nagging on an about about rcoedit114,. but that's the only rcoeditor wich can add images to the OSK rco without loosing resources,.. unfortunately(here wee go again ;p ) this means dumping the osk with rcoedit115>>padding(to16x8scale)&recolor with PS save as 32bit RGB>> adding maually all images with rcoedit114,..
please if you know how to recolor all blue text in the osk to white,. else i be forced to set all RGB(value's in the rco itself) for each blue text image to black instead of choosing any other color,. ;)
anyway i will keep trying,. to get this into a batch and multiple replace function,..
Fireworks can batch process...
Unsure about how you're going to do the actual recolour, but you can select all your PNGs to convert to 4-bit in Fireworks, set export to 16 colour PNG with alpha channel.
Once you have all the 4-bit PNGs, use a batch file to run it through GimConv with the "-bpp4" flag set.
Then, dump the osk RCO with Rcomage, not converting GIMs, and simply replace the GIMs in the dump with the ones you just made, then compile.
Hope that helps.
cool! this def looks promising :) and will try soon,. prob need some instructions how to make a batch file for gimconv,. i let you know? (text file with batch script, renamed to .bat?)
Should be something like:
Batch Script
for %%a in (*.png) do (
gimconv -bpp4 %a
i amtrying to find the recolor in the fireworks batch converter,.. i guess i have to do this the manual way,.. recolor canvas size and add with rcoedit114,.. this way i def know it will work,. but will take hours,. sighhhhh
To get to the batch converter.
- Open up Fireworks
- File » Batch process...
- Select all your PNG files
- Click Next
- Select Export in the left list, then click Add
- Near the bottom of the window, there should now be a "Settings" listbox, choose Custom from it and a new window should pop up
- Select PNG-8 in the Format dropdown
- Near the bottom, choose Alpha Transparency from the listbox (it probably defaults to No Transparency). NOTE, if you do not need any semi-transparency whatsoever, you can just use Index Transparency, which will probably make things easier.
- From the number of colours dropdown (should default to 256) change to 16. NOTE, I'm not sure how Fireworks allocates colours with an alpha channel - if it allocates ignoring the alpha channel, and you're using Alpha Transparency, you may need to make this number lower.
- OK the dialog and click Next and follow through the rest of the process