Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I want to fly to the moon with my PSP.
i want to fly like the moon.
And I'd like to moon like the fly.
Seriously. is this sh ? Off topic barbecue for the win.
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I want to fly to the moon with my PSP.
i want to fly like the moon.
Yeah, just orbit around the Earth like a sattalite. Interesting, but you'll probally be bored of it after doing it for a few million years.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I want to fly to the moon with my PSP.
I want to fly to the moon with the PSP NGP
sorry for ot
6.39 was found in Valkyria Chronicles III: Unrecorded Chronicles (ULJM-05781)
It's not on the game floating around the net...