01/02/2011, 05:30 AM
Quote:Support for more games and improved stability is pspwizard with PSP 3D v0.2. Activate this plugin and you’ll be playing the games mentioned below in 3D — red/cyan anaglyph 3D that is.
Supported Games:
Metal Gear Solid – Portable Ops (new)
Star Wars Battle Front 2 (new)
Death Jr. (new)
GripShift (new)
Tomb Raider Legends (new – light flickering)
Ratchet & Clank- Size Matters
Prince of Persia- Revelations
Prince of Persia- Rival Swords
How To:
Copy “psp3dv0.2.prx” & “psp3d.cfg” to your plugins folder.
Add a new line to game.txt, for example:
ms0:/seplugins/psp3dv0.2.prx 1
Restart your PSP (or HEN)
Run a supported game
Put on your red/cyan anaglyph glasses
Press the “Note” button to activate
Also added in v0.2 is support for different colour schemes, which should be set to match the colour of your 3D glasses. Open psp3d.cfg and you’ll notice a new directive called “COLOR_MODE.” The following options are accepted:
R » red / blue
G » green / purple
Y» yellow / blue (also known as ColorCode3D)
credits to the original uploader!
will try this later since i still have anaglyph glasses in my home, :)