Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Liquidzigong:Kernel Hombrews can be signed!
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Liquidzigong, the Maker of the Prometheus Patches,has annonced via Twitter that he can sign Kernel Homebrews!

That would allow us to sign CFWs!

Quote:# @neur0ner Yes. It can decrypt game EBOOT.BIN including MHP3.
# I will offer a sample decrypt program to that project.
# Fixed some bugs on kirk-engine and finally can decrypt kernel & user PRX on PC.
# That bug ruins Kirk_cmd4

oh shi-. the twist of the knife.


I guess not -.-
Old news for me Hihi
nickxab Wrote:Old news for me Hihi
And a wrong one...
Signing of kernel modules still isn't possible. Also decrypting ≠ encrypting, For your information.
with Liquidizong, anything is possible, lol

anyways i wonder what are some kernel homebrews that are available today, i thought all of them are in user mode
Any info when the tools to sign them are going to be released?  Looking forward to playing around with it.
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