Endless Paradigm

Full Version: pprefs Ver. 1.091 Released!
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Homebrew dev hiroi01 released pprefs Ver. 1.091 !

With this Plugin you can manage your Plugins on 5.00M33-6, 5.50GEN-D3, 6.20TN-A/B/C,6.3X PRO via XMB.

Quote:Fairuserekuta? more than 128 + file, you'll have to browse to the folder containing the folder
+ Ver. 1.06 pprefs.ini later has yet to ship, and automatically generate the configuration menu △ (previous pprefs.ini no problem leave it as it is)
+ ME COPY is a separate plug-in ability to copy MS (unstable? / 1000 - 3000 own menu)
Out on the right - untested model that can properly determine.
+ Vsh.txt, game.txt, pops.txt not only to write 64 lines
+ Pergame.txt is not read only up to 5KB
+ The last line of text that you read this plug-in is preferable to break some (but read the text on one plug, as if the last line of text and writing out a new line)
+6.35 PRO-compatible version of the model represented on the right things get weird

Download 635pro version:


Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some reputation.

You can already do this on 5.00 /5.50 using PSPconsole.

[Image: 1247689866_20090716001818.png]

But its useful for people on 6.20TN-C, 6.3X PRO :)
Thanks \Flo! a plugin to manage plaugins,. ;p

i will up them to the thread,. no need for upload comercials,. ;p
How do you install it? And what buttons do you press to activate it?
Yeah, I'd kinda like to know that myself, it really doesn't help when Notepad displays the essential Readme file as a bunch of garbled characters cause it's in a different language.
readme Wrote:pprefs.prx by hiroi01

HOME is the default start key.

In addition, pprefs.prx pprefs.ini the same folder as I do the settings in the configuration menu is also good △ pprefs.ini not worry about it, especially automatic edit automatically created.

Text that read like this plugin is better to break the last line.

When making this software
Libmenu Ver1.4 and Libini Ver1.2 maxem's reference, wee have used.
takka umd_dump.prx's source code and reference iso tool, wee have used.
PSP homebrew developer's plum ver.11 [sure] of>> the 472 code as a reference, wee have used.
MP3's plum Pureiyapuraguin Ver0.4 reference code, wee have used.
Thank you.

Thanks to all developers.

I used Google translate, I hope it helps.
Hi, May i know what is the CFW u guy r using for this game? I had 5.5 Prometheus 4 and still the game stuck at the loading screen :(
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