10pm over herez...
I usually sleep at 3am-4:30am
I'm makin bacon this morning >:3
Not got up properly yet, just watching C4's 10 O'Clock News. Quite funny but I've seen better.
The damp in my room is getting concerning it's spread down the wall now :/
Morning. Just got up and about to go to work in 30 minutes. Sky is really cloudy which is usually a sign of a crappy day ahead. >_>
Morning! Got into work early to get started cause apparently the directors are coming over today but apparently they might be messing around with us. Hah.
Actually feel surprisingly decent for only 3 hours sleep.
Morning, woke up early today. Supposed to get new internet today provided they come to install it at the time they mentioned.
Morning! Here's hoping I get this day done without complication or annoyance from the boss... and get home ASAP so I can get something done.
Ahhh time. You wonderful, frustrating thing.
On the bus to lectures, got on earlier bus to find it got stuck in roadworks. Typical.
I'm bored this morning, sun hasn't risen yet.