Endless Paradigm

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Lets just laugh it off bebops tweetops
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]wtf did i miss.
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]wtf did i miss.
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah well, I had already accepted the fact that you were leaving so... :/


i believe an apology for not leaving is now in order!
"Classic troll got trolled" moment.
This is usually the part wee all start screaming... but meh,
lol double you tee eff... well whatever you do, you got my peace. PEACE ☮
Aw D00D double you tee eff, i got leik no sh0ut0ut 3ith3r?


but seriously, wat? I usually find personal fail really funny; if you don't like what people are saying just skip past it.

My mouse has a scroll wheel.
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]Aw D00D double you tee eff, i got leik no sh0ut0ut 3ith3r?


but seriously, wat? I usually find personal fail really funny; if you don't like what people are saying just skip past it.

My mouse has a scroll wheel.

Yeah but i felt like i needed to apologize to people, and i didnt think i was a kyke to you, but i apologize
this is the stupidest thread. just stop being a douche to people and call it a night
bazz Wrote: [ -> ]this is the stupidest thread. just stop being a douche to people and call it a night

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