Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [620TN/637ME/638TN,ME/639ME] Sony_Mod
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minhjirachi Wrote: [ -> ]How can I get the 6.38 TN-A?
you can't,. but you can use my sony_mod theme also with 638ME cfw
lockthebird777 Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe,Vagetano used version spoof.
So,6.38 TN is Joke lol

hehe,. no no,. Yellowcard its real,..
Can you try to make this for 6.35 PRO you can PM me and I will test it for you. :)

Also I know you test for TN so others can shove it, gently though. My final word is DESU!

[Image: Desu_Inside.png]
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]Can you try to make this for 6.35 PRO you can PM me and I will test it for you. :)

Also I know you test for TN so others can shove it, gently though. My final word is DESU!

nope,. also i had send you a PM,.

i think CTFtoolGui should make a 99% conversion to 620>>635

mebbe try a 637>>635 conversion you get all the added feature's i made for 637 version ;)

The SonyMmod got loads of other stuff,. wich will not convert using CTFtoolgui,..
Its cool I got your msg after I posted. :)
i love this theme
easiest update evr Hihi Sony_Mod for 639ME

thanks to neurOn for 639ME and CXMB uodate Madwin

edit: apparently you can use 638 CTF theme's with the new updated CXMB ;p,.. Facepalm
the download does include CXMB639,..
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