Virtuous Flame released the signed 5.03 HEN (chickHEN r2) v5 !
Quote:# EBOOT.PBP boot for the PSP-PSP-2000v3 and summarized what had been one separately for 3000
# LCFW Fix to prevent crash when is started up again on
*download and unzip
*launch the original chickHEN r2 (you need Firmware 5.03)
*install 5.03 GEN-C/5.03 Prometheus/CFWEnabler
*copy 503_kxploit folder to PSP/GAME
*start the signed 5.03 HEN
Download! UL,
Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some
I think I'm misunderstanding something here..
If this is a signed 5.03 HEN, then what is the point of having to run ChickHEN to use it?

This should eliminate the need for ChickHEN...
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]I think I'm misunderstanding something here..
If this is a signed 5.03 HEN, then what is the point of having to run ChickHEN to use it? 
This should eliminate the need for ChickHEN...
Only user mode PRX based homebrew can be signed. HEN gives us kernel mode.
xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]I think I'm misunderstanding something here..
If this is a signed 5.03 HEN, then what is the point of having to run ChickHEN to use it? 
This should eliminate the need for ChickHEN...
Only user mode PRX based homebrew can be signed. HEN gives us kernel mode.
Not totally true.. The public sdk can only sign usermode. Certain devs must have the know how on signing kmode stuff.
Total_Noob signed 6.20 TN-C (kmode)
And you don't have to run the patapon exploit to launch his signed TN-C

Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]I think I'm misunderstanding something here..
If this is a signed 5.03 HEN, then what is the point of having to run ChickHEN to use it? 
This should eliminate the need for ChickHEN...
Only user mode PRX based homebrew can be signed. HEN gives us kernel mode.
Not totally true.. The public sdk can only sign usermode. Certain devs must have the know how on signing kmode stuff.
Total_Noob signed 6.20 TN-C (kmode)
And you don't have to run the patapon exploit to launch his signed TN-C 
Not exactly Total_Noob's 6.20 TN-C is signed using user mode and it uses a exploit in user mode to get to kernel mode.
Which now Sony has patched in 6.37 OFW.
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ][quote=xero1;345730]
[quote=Mr. Shizzy;345727]
I think I'm misunderstanding something here..
If this is a signed 5.03 HEN, then what is the point of having to run ChickHEN to use it? 
This should eliminate the need for ChickHEN...
Only user mode PRX based homebrew can be signed. HEN gives us kernel mode.
But I still don't get the point of this release. What is the sense of having a 5.03 HEN activator, if you already have to be in HEN mode for it to work ? lol
I think I'm missing something here.

Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ][quote=xero1;345730]
[quote=Mr. Shizzy;345727]
I think I'm misunderstanding something here..
If this is a signed 5.03 HEN, then what is the point of having to run ChickHEN to use it? 
This should eliminate the need for ChickHEN...
Only user mode PRX based homebrew can be signed. HEN gives us kernel mode.
But I still don't get the point of this release. What is the sense of having a 5.03 HEN activator, if you already have to be in HEN mode for it to work ? lol
I think I'm missing something here. 
mebbe because its signed,. O_o >?>?
edit: o wait i just read the instructions,. that's kinda lame,. lol
This release is aimed at the people with the unhackable can now easily just run the chickHEN r2 and Launch it from the xmb like a game.....And then install 5.03 GEN-C on the psp 3000/2000

bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]This release is aimed at the people with the unhackable can now easily just run the chickHEN r2 and Launch it from the xmb like a game.....And then install 5.03 GEN-C on the psp 3000/2000 
That's the whole point I was getting at...
flo must have made a typo in his 1st post. Because a HEN activator that only works once already in HEN mode - makes no sense. :P (the first post says you must already be in 5.03 HEN to run this signed eboot)
So... To clear all confusion: I am assuming that this eboot runs from OFW, and that you do not need to already be in HEN mode to run it.