Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.20 ZeroWare-A HEN Coming To PSP With PSX Support
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TeamZero is making a HEN which release wee can expect end of this month since their WIP is almost done,
it supports ISO-loading from XMB and PSX support.

6.20 ZeroWare-A is a Work in Progress (WIP) of TeamZero.
I have been reversing Total_Noob's HEN (systemctrl, vshctrl, etc)
for 6.20 so that wee, TeamZero, could make an updated/better version of it
that the users will enjoy (More than now).

Here's how the work goes so far:Madwin

systemctrl 90% reversed- fixing up USB patches and other patches
vshctrl 100% reversed- Adding Virtual PBP patches (ISO and CSO purposes)
rebootex not started - Will use TN's if wee don't have time for the first release
satellite (vsh menu) not started - I plan on using our own vsh menu (I might reverse some of TN's functions, with other functions as well)

Installer 10% done - planning on adding a graphical GUI (for the users Wink)

6.20 ZeroWare-A will also try to fix the bugs of Homebrew crashing on loading, playing, or exiting
on most of the 3k models (and other bugs wee haven't discovered yet)
ZeroWare-A will also have a full version of systemctrl functions (TN didn't add the ones for UMD and isofs)
It will also have ISO/CSO support (you will be able to lauch them via XMB) as well as PSX support

No offense, wee've seen too many CFWs come and go through this section.

Good luck, but until wee see a release (that works) wee aren't getting excited over anything.
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