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Full Version: PSP2 - Sony confirms that a conference will take place January 27 in Tokyo
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ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]thank fudge for that
a slider is just another thing to break

I have never had a any bad luck with sliders. My POS phone is a slider, it gets opened and closed alot every day for over a year now and it still works fine. Sliders are a very simple design, they work and are a good way to make devices smaller when not being used. I for one would like to see a well mad handheld like this. But, so far I have not seen any design that I like. I would love to see the classic PS controller layout with a bit more room, make the analog nubs move in and out like a click pen, make a touch screen that can use both touch and a pen, and a slot for games. 4GB memory cards is cheap enough to use now a days. I will not buy a system where I can not by a physical copy of the game.
then i think you won't be buying a PSP2

as far as i know

it's going to be DL only
Sliders are fun to play with.
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]then i think you won't be buying a PSP2

as far as i know

it's going to be DL only

When it gets hacked I will. Well... only if it's a true power hours likes Sony claims. I have a few hacked handhelds now and would only get a new one when something very nice comes out. I will get a 3DS, take a view pictures in 3D for $250... Sold
I can't imagine the 3DS's 3D camera to be particularly great though...  Zooming will be difficult on such a device.
I am kind of disappointed with the 3DS and the projected PSP2 at this point. Apparently the 3DS has a terrible battery life (~4 hours or something like that) and the PSP2 looks like the GO (penalty), with an extra analog stick (maybe bonus).
At this rate, I'll buy neither of them, and wait for either a hack to be made, or the 3DS lite/PSP2 200X series.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]not bad but why does it have to be a sliding screen ._.

cause that's not the real deal, sony already said it would not be sliding



It had an overheating issue, so apparantly making it non slidey fixed it
I love psp go's sliding feature, doesn't get snagged on my my pockets when i take it out or put it in. Do any of you guys use your psp in the portable sense? I'd LOVE it to be sliding.
PSP-1000 fits in pocket, though it is a bit of squeeze in smaller pockets.
I usually stick it in my bag though.  It's not like I need it in my pocket to take out every 2 minutes.

So yes, old PSP is portable enough IMO.
The PSP 1000 feels like a brick in my pockets.
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