Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Iso Tool 1.959
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Quote:[NEW] XMB ICON when creating ISO name is also changed to a soft copy
[NEW] key 0xD91618F0 Add
[NEW] Prometheus ISO Loader to the location of / PSP/SYSTEM/PIL_v2 / Change (seplugins because even if you have not used)
If you have created in 1.958 requires re-create the icon
In the case of PSP-1000/2000/3000 me0: / PSP/SYSTEM/PIL_v2 /
In the case of PSP-go ef0: / PSP/SYSTEM/PIL_v2 /
[NEW] Change location to be installed automatically when you create the necessary files to the icon
[NEW] ISO files that run directly on the creation of icons from PIL_loader.elf DATA.PSP changes
[NEW] (PIL_loader) when you start by pressing the L trigger, M33 Driver support in launch (currently set will not be saved)
it is necessary to manually copy isofs_500.prx (DATA/PIL_v2 / Once you have copied are automatically copied to the location required)
[NEW] (PIL_loader) when you start adding a simple status display

[NEW] XMB ICON作成時にISOのソフト名もコピーするように 変更
[NEW] key 0xD91618F0を追加
[NEW] Prometheus ISO Loaderの設置場所を/PSP/SYSTEM/PIL_v2/に変更(sepluginsを利用していない場合もあ るため)
1.958で作成済みの場合はアイコンの再度作成が必 要です
[NEW] アイコン作成時に必要なファイルを上記の位置に自動で インストールするように変更
[NEW] ISO直接起動アイコンの作成に利用するファイルをD ATA.PSPからPIL_loader.elfに変 更
[NEW] (PIL_loader)起動時にLトリガを押してお くことにより、M33 Driverでの起動に対応(今のところ設定は保存さ れません)
isofs_500.prxは手動でコピーが必要です (DATA/PIL_v2/にコピーしておけば、自動で必要な場所にコピーされま す)
[NEW] (PIL_loader)起動時に簡易状況表示を追加  

How to create an icon of your backup on your xmb:
-Launch ISO Tool 1.959
-Select your backup
-Choose Make XMB Icon
-wait for it to finish
-go back to your xmb
-finally, launch the game

And here's what I've found out on trying to figure out how does takka done this:
-Creates new eboot file which takes the preview resources needed and write the new eboot on ms0:/PSP/GAME

And when loading (I think this is the process)
-load the game(actually the eboot from ms0:/PSP/GAME not the actual backup)
-redirect you to the actual backup(the one inside your ISO folder)
-then the game starts

Download here: Mediafire


(I'm sorry I don't have any tool here for the screenshot)
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