Endless Paradigm

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If I were to enjoy the comforts of pre conceived businesses then I will be ever aware of the change that cirulates around the fortifications when there is a new person moving in down the road and I go and greet them with a cake that was baked by a secret government organisation which was created for the sole purpose of trapping suspects before they can take a leak in the toilet where the plumer fixed it just the other day when he had to help his wife throw out the rubbish and he went outside and the bins were gone because the bin men had taken his bin to be deinfesticistionederyatoratised by the scientist that wrote a book on baked bean baking in ovens that normally cook bread are not the most satisfactory of instuments to use in a jazz quintuplet.
what you say is true
You can't handle the truth! Heyyou
Such complications.
10 internets to those who can say that in one breath.
Okay, let's try decoding this, keeping in mind all of this is true, only if Method was to enjoy the comforts of pre-conceived business.
  • Method would be aware of changes circulating fortifications
    • where there is a new person moving in down the road (clearly, Method's house is on a street with some empty land, so when someone new moves in, the fortifications (fences) change, and Method would be aware of this)
  • Method would greet this new person with cake
    • ...which was baked by a secret government organisation (possibly one with members who have cooking skill, otherwise, he would've gone to the local cake shop; perhaps Method belongs to such a department, which explains how he has connections with such a secretive organisation)
      • ...which was only created for trapping suspects (national threats perhaps?) before they can visit THE toilet (perhaps this organisation was designed to hunt down criminals who specialise in toilet bombs; doesn't explain the reason for proficient cooking, but I guess that's a secret)
      • This toilet had been recently fixed by a plumber
      • At about the same time, the plumber had to assist his wife throwing out the rubbish (perhaps said wife is too weak?)
        • But the bins weren't there; nothing is said about what happened to the rubbish, perhaps it was just left at the curb
        • They were taken away because the bin men had taken it away to a scientist, as the bin had some issues of being infesticistionederyatoratised; one may guess this has to do with the cake made by the secret government organisation dealing with toilet terrorists, although the cake being delivered to the newcomer may be similarly affected
          • Said scientist wrote a book on baked bean baking in bread cooking ovens - perhaps this scientist was also using the bread cooking oven to cook this cake, thus him/her being aware of the issues of the cake
          • The bread cooking oven isn't the best instrument to be used in a jazz quartet - I think wee can all agree with that.
Needs more "," and "."
ZiNgA BuRgA: Deconstructing the Chaos, one post at a time.
Zinga you are amazing. If I had a floor to roll about laughing on I would, however my floor was taken when my neigbour went shopping and although I was in the house at the time they managed to take my roof aswell as the tinned carrots that one can only find in a supermarket that is run by people bake cake when customers are looking to buy houses in the general area and get discouraged by the riots that are appearing over our local deli counters because they charge ridiculous prices for such things that have regular use with household appliances such as stationary cupboards which I do always recommend people to go to a proper government official about when they spot such a crime, however when you do report the information found in books about the civil pie movement, librarians don't't find it in themselves to warn you of the dangers of catching Flangeles, which although uncommon and airborne, can be spread through the use of flour and eggs, thus also cake because cake is just raw materials in a mush and then served with a plate that was smashed and pieced back together using the hair from a bullrat which is highly evapouratable when in contact with urine.
[Image: ExplodingHead.gif]
Pages: 1 2
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