PSP Developer
TMK released PSPMAME r0.6 OFW!
PSPMAME is a MAME Emulator (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) for the PSP.
PSPMAME works now on OFW's.
Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some
so do i have to download arcade game files to put in this? or is it preloaded?
Download aracade game files and put into the pspmame folder ;)
Cowper Wrote: [ -> ]so do i have to download arcade game files to put in this? or is it preloaded?

its a emulator,.. ;)
nice to see alot of emu's getting signed,. :)
i hear TN is making pops suport for TN-D :)
GBA emulators are still needed, lol.
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]GBA emulators are still needed, lol.
that's what I'm waiting for, but the MAME emulator is one of my favorites
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]lol
/leaves reputation.