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Full Version: BEFA Awards 2011 Voting
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I voted for Yamato's Creators’ Labo Rei from Evangelion, Max Factory's Miku Hatsune VN02 Mix and Native's Shoujo S.

Hard to choose those though, many stunning figures. Surprised myself not choosing any GoodSmile figures but I think the nominees weren't their best.

Orchid Seed's Lineage II figure is superb - but my perverted side got the best of me choosing the figure from Shoujo S.

(Shoujo Material Release day, NSFW)
I only bought 2 in 2010, That Index one from good smile and one that was already serval years old. And I don't really pay attention to what's released apart from hecai's updates so I can't really participate.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I only bought 2 in 2010, That Index one from good smile and one that was already serval years old. And I don't really pay attention to what's released apart from hecai's updates so I can't really participate.

Choose the ones you like the best :P
i voted the VN02 Miku, one of my first few purchases, still one of the best :D
Alter's Momohime and Selvaria Bles are very nice as well.

Alter's Mercedes, i read some pretty good reviews about it, yet to acquire it.
Momohime by Alter wins!
proud owner :D
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