Endless Paradigm

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Behold my brothers and sisters I am back! I Haxed up my phone and now i get awesome tether juices from my htc evo android. You tube sucks anus but who cares right? so long as im with you guys im golden, hell ill transmit a live video feed wen im old and on my death bed! any way here is a funny picture:

[Image: 18231-620x-hentai.jpg]
because real girls don't have tails Hoho
so..... if you can afford an HTC Evo - why the lacking broadband?
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]so..... if you can afford an HTC Evo - why the lacking broadband?

^this :o
because phones get girls + i like being online 24/7 when im on the move
and my local web provider wanted to charge me 60$ for a really crappy connection

I might as well just go all out
I also barely got as job as a truck driver. :3
phones don't get girls. fullstop.

wb by the way ^.^
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]so..... if you can afford an HTC Evo - why the lacking broadband?

[Image: avatar_231.png?dateline=1295402509]
Idk who you are but apparantly i remind people of you... >.>
^mean people.

so when are you dieing? i can't wait to watch a dieing person on his deathbed in HD!
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