Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
fuck it in a shed.
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]Idk who you are but apparantly i remind people of you... >.>

There is only one!
(he is not me im over that phase I learned my lesson)

Quote:^mean people.

so when are you dieing? i can't wait to watch a dieing person on his deathbed in HD!
i dunno dude ill let fate decide

can't wait to download all the animez ive been missing :(
welcome back buddy!

and no, dark_mirage. 300nukez is a cool guy, you're just an irritating loser.
Welcome back.
Welcome back^^
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]welcome back buddy!

and no, dark_mirage. 300nukez is a cool guy, you're just an irritating loser.



It burns amigo! :(
so why did you have no internet?
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]Nevar!
There is only one!
(he is not me im over that phase I learned my lesson)

I have a feeling I know what incident you're talking about.
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]because phones get girls

Pages: 1 2 3
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