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Full Version: Monster Hunter Portable 3 English Patch Released By TeamHGG (V.2.1)
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Monster Hunter Portable 3 English Patch Released By TeamHGG (V.2.1)

[Image: snap139.bmp]

[Image: snap135.bmp]

[Image: snap136.bmp]

All Range Weapon Fully Translated (Bow Gun,Heavy BowGun, Light BowGun)
Comrade Stuff (Added 5%)
Felyne Drinks


MHP3 Patch


Thanks And Credit To TeamHGG
its nearing completion of the patch, i wonder what's left to be translated in this release?
Items descriptions
Thanks for this one
Comrades Armors and Weapons aren't translated yet
SIr why won't my MH3 patch T_T.. when i patch the game, the game remains the same only the 1st patch is applied.
hw bout the conversations?
Sweet dude. :)
Im gonna laugh when they finish translating and then an english monster hunter portable 3 is announced
and why is that? even if MHF3 is announces, there's still half a year gap after that as usual, and they can use this scripts and stuffs for MHP3G again.
get some respect.
Can someone explain the first page after you click new game?
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